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Personal Matchmaking & Introductions Services For Singles Over 50

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Over 50s Dating Agency North East England

Exclusive dating agency & personal introductions for over 50s living in the North East of England. All members are ID checked and vetted before joining to ensure your safety.

North East England

Over 50s Dating and Matchmaking Services in North East England

Recently there has been an alarming amount of unwelcome news circulating, with regards to online dating and smartphone dating apps. With the crime rate linked to online dating being one of the fastest growing in the UK and fake profiles and scamming running out of control, we hope that you find it refreshing and also reassuring to find Avenues, a traditional face to face dating company that has stood the test of time over more than 3 decades.

Avenues Dating has offered a successful, quality dating and personal matchmaking services for the over 50s of the North East since 1992. Over the years we have built an impressive membership list all of whom have been personally interviewed, ID checked and carefully vetted. We verify that all our members are truly single and available to form new relationships, their address details and that they are free from any involvement in fraud and any form of financial crime.

We focus on the over 50s and mature daters are growing in number terms at a rapid rate. We offer a far safer and more private way of seeking true love, meeting new high-quality people, and finding that someone special in their life once again.

We are all too aware of the horror stories linked to online dating and dating apps on your phone, they appear week on week in the media. Avenues Dating are addressing this by returning to a more traditional way of meeting, with the added value of personal support from an experienced matchmaker who knows you and those she is recommending to you from our extensive database.

North East England Dating Agency Locations

The areas that we cover in North East England are as follows:


Please allow us to introduce you to our meticulously designed membership packages, each thoughtfully curated to cater to your unique desires and preferences. These packages are crafted to enhance and kickstart your journey, ensuring you find not just a partner but a fulfilling and harmonious connection. Explore the pathways we offer, and embark on a new chapter in your life filled with love, camaraderie, and exciting opportunities.