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Dating & Personal Introductions For Over 50s In Teesside

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ersonal Matchmaking & Introductions Services For Singles Over 50

Avenues Dating could be ideal for you as we have been offering quality dating and personal introductions for the over 50s on Teesside and creating couples here in the North East since 1997.


Over 50s Dating and Matchmaking Services in Teesside

Are you currently searching for a high-quality dating service in Teesside and the Northeast? If that is the case, we are proud to say that Avenues Dating could be ideal for you as we have been offering a comprehensive and professional dating and personal introductions service for the over 50s of Teesside and creating couples here in the Northeast since the early 1990s and have enjoyed thousands of successes in that time. We would love the opportunity to tell you more.

Are You Over Fifty & Looking for the Best Way to Meet Other Singles in Teesside & the Northeast? At Avenues we are now only focusing on the 50+ niche market, as in the past decade or so, more and more ‘silver surfers’ have been returning to dating and looking for something appropriate for their age group. Through research with our newer members we have found they have a determination to find love and meet someone incredibly special and are no longer prepared to settle for mediocrity or for second best. However, after all the recent bad publicity surrounding online dating and smartphone dating apps, I am a little unsure as to the best way to go about meeting quality partners in a safe and risk-free manner.

We have been offering a more traditional, face-to-face service for many years, quietly and confidentially creating couples year after year with our tried and tested methods and processes, that we first developed in the early 1990s, way before the advent of internet-based dating in the UK.

Matchmaking is not an exact science, our matchmakers will tell you, it always has been and always will be a balance between compatibility and chemistry. We can sort out the compatibility aspects, which leaves you the thrill and excitement of finding out if you have that spark of the magic where all new relationships start.

We enjoy getting to know our members, the in-depth interview we provide, allows us to create a complimentary profile which includes your choice of photographs. You will be ID checked the same as all our other members. We check that all members are genuinely single and not living with a previous partner and have not been involved with fraud or money crime and also that you are solvent.

Once you have been accepted as a member, your personal matchmaker will then offer you profiles of other members in your area or preferred radius for you to consider meeting. The dynamic feedback you give your matchmaker will serve to deepen our understanding of you and your introductions needs today. Which are perhaps now completely different to your younger self.

Your profile rarely stays the same as when first created as we learn more about your preferences, hopes and aspirations and how you form friendships. Your matchmaker will guide and mentor you through meeting our other members and will be the first to congratulate you when you feel you have found someone you want to explore a relationship with.

For more than 3 decades at Avenues we have been successfully operating in the Northeast and have enjoyed some amazing successes during those years. The next step would be for you to allow us to introduce you to our meticulously designed membership packages, each thoughtfully created to cater for your unique desires and preferences. These packages are crafted to enhance and kickstart your dating journey, ensuring you find not just a partner but a fulfilling and harmonious ongoing connection. Explore the pathways we offer and embark on a new chapter in your life filled with love, camaraderie, shared interests, and exciting opportunities.

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Please allow us to introduce you to our meticulously designed membership packages, each thoughtfully curated to cater to your unique desires and preferences. These packages are crafted to enhance and kickstart your journey, ensuring you find not just a partner but a fulfilling and harmonious connection. Explore the pathways we offer, and embark on a new chapter in your life filled with love, camaraderie, and exciting opportunities.