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Over 50s Dating and Matchmaking Services in Edinburgh

With online dating web traffic seriously down, some in decline in terms of numbers of members and one major app having to issue a profit warning to shareholders in terms of their annual return. Many people have been scratching their heads recently with regards to alternatives. Well, we are happy to advise that the matchmaking team at Avenues Dating is alive and well and quite honestly, we have never had it so good.

Yes traditional, face to face dating has never been busier as potential clients shy away from meeting potential partners online or via phone apps and flock back to our safer, slower paced, more meticulous style of dating, where all members have been personally interviewed and then carefully checked out to ensure that they:

  • Are 100% who they say they are, are genuinely single and reside at the address provided.
  • That they are free from any involvement in scamming or financial crime.
  • That they are solvent and do not have CCJ or bankruptcy orders lurking in the background.

We can therefore verify and vouch for all of our members and usually get to know them really well during the lifetime of their membership – which makes dating through Avenues, so much safer and more reliable, Making us a far cry from online dating and the way it operates.

Would you like to know more? Well our phone lines are open from 8am until 9pm everyday, are answered in the U.K. by a friendly British voice and we are even open at the weekend and many bank holidays if you’d like a chat and to learn more – there is never any obligation to join.

Well ring us for a confidential chat on 0800 644 4170 and we will get you talking to one of our membership advisers straight away and without any sort of obligation too.

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Please allow us to introduce you to our meticulously designed membership packages, each thoughtfully curated to cater to your unique desires and preferences. These packages are crafted to enhance and kickstart your journey, ensuring you find not just a partner but a fulfilling and harmonious connection. Explore the pathways we offer, and embark on a new chapter in your life filled with love, camaraderie, and exciting opportunities.