A new study compiled by Avenues Dating, specialists in over 50s dating, has provided key reasons why older people are more likely to find lasting love. Here are the factors that make over 50s so successful when it comes to building a rewarding new relationship:
They have often experienced at least one wonderful relationship in the past.
Over 50s can look back and realise the true value of companionship. They understand the foolishness of destroying an incredible bond by focusing on petty upsets. They have a wealth of experience when it comes to knowing what really matters in life. Whereas younger couples may still be fighting that 'Is the grass greener?' feeling, more mature couples know that a great match is worth nurturing and fighting for.
Over 50s are 'over' game-playing.
Mature daters understand that life has a habit of speeding by. Instead of seeing the future as a long, meandering expanse of time - as younger people tend to - they understand the notion of making every day count. Older singles are more likely to be honest about their feelings and intentions.
They have a highly developed sense of self.
Most older people have a keen sense of who they are and what makes them happy. It's not only hair-styles that we stop experimenting with as we get older - it's the kind of people we surround ourselves with. Mature daters are less likely to chose partners with whom they have little in common. Over 50s dating generally revolves around wise, informed decision-making.
The Stressful Child Rearing Years Are Over.
Many couples break under the stress of raising a family. When two people get together once their children have left home, an enormous amount of financial and emotional pressure is removed. It's likely that both partners will have older children, or even grandchildren, who will keep them youthful, yet allow them space to enjoy their own time together.
To find out how Avenues Dating can help you to find love, please call our senior membership adviser, Victoria, on 0333 253 3588 (9am - 9pm everyday)