• Moving On Is Painful But Essential

    Growing up, you’re told many magical fairy-tale type stories of how a damsel in distress finally finds her prince charming and they live happily ever after. Realistically and unfortunately those ‘fairytale’ stories don’t always happen in life and if they do, don’t always end in a ‘happily ever after’ way. But that doesn’t mean you should give up after a few bad relationships, whether they were short or long term, or after the loss of a loved partner. Love is out there waiting for you.

    Moving on is a painful but an essential part of the cycle of life. Of course the timing of it is completely down to you and you should in no way be rushed or feel pressured into starting a new relationship, especially if you are grieving the loss of partner, but when you are ready, we are here to help you.

    It’s very important that you move on and let go of the past in a healthy and safe way. So if you decide to become a member of avenues, you will receive the guidance and support of your own personal matchmaker as well as a one to one session with renowned dating coach Karen Perkins. It’s a truly personal service that is there for you when you are ready to move forward in your life. Our other clients are also looking for long term and meaningful relationships, so feel assured that you will only be introduced to people who share your desire of forming a new relationship that is worthwhile and exciting.

    Feelings of guilt are completely natural when moving on from a past relationship to a new one and it’s understandable that you may feel uneasy about the idea of being introduced to a potential new partner, but your personal matchmaker will be on hand to guide you throughout your membership and if you have any worries they will happily talk them through with you.

    It is never too late to have a fresh start and we may well have someone really compatible just waiting to meet you, so why not get in touch with us today.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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